Covid-19 Service Changes
Welcome to Coltiva, Covid-19 has made one thing clear, we all are in this together and need your help as our valued clients to keep others safe and save lives. Here are a hand full of guidelines:
Wearing a Mask:
Effective July 7, the Governor's Statewide face covering order directs businesses to require and enforce the use of face coverings by all customers and clients. Both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization now recommend cloth masks for the general public. We at Coltiva are following State National and international guidelines on now requiring our clients to wear masks while inside (i.e. using the restroom). We additionally ask to please be polite while ordering at a table and to keep a mask on. Our staff will be wearing masks at all times for the safety of all.
Washing Hands:​
We encourage wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water for 20 seconds frequently throughout the day. Our staff will always double wash upon arrival to work after using the lavatory or returning to work. It is also advised to avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
Additional Hand Sanitizing:
Coltiva will provide alcohol based hand sanitizers for use for both employees and customers by placing them at convenient/accessible locations or upon request.
We are frequently sanitizing commonly touched surfaces and objects such as electronics, door knobs, faucet handles, counter tops, cash machine key pads, dining tables frequently throughout the day. Our dishwasher is kept in tip-top cleaning shape with a chlorine based sanitizer.
Social Distancing:
We are a small space so our indoor seating is very limited and currently by request only. We are adhering to social distancing by ensuring employees and customers maintain social distancing of at least 6ft and reduce duration of close contacts. We are installing heating lamps on our lovely patio to keep our clients happy, safer and warm. We encourage you to dine al fresco!